Wessex Learning Trust
Student Life Uniform
Nailsea School has a cohesive uniform policy, and wants its students to take pride in their appearance.
All items of clothing should be marked with the student’s name and be clean and neat.
Trousers, shoes and shirts can be purchased from any outlet but must follow the guidelines below.
School ties and jumpers can be purchased online from School Togs
Second-hand uniform can be purchased through the school’s PTA, they can be contacted through their Facebook page here.
Prices of used kit can be found on the PTA page here Our PTA – Nailsea School
Students must have the following Sports Kit:
Any student who is not wearing the correct uniform for any reason must report to the House Office on arrival at school in the morning. If possible, contact would be made by the parent prior to this by phone or email.
After discussion with members of the House team a decision will be made and parents contacted if necessary.
A list of potential actions is shown below:
A list of equipment can be found on our Student Expectations page HERE
An outline of our uniform policy can be found HERE