Homework is an important part of life at school and demonstrates independence of thought as well as ensuring that students develop time management skills.

Setting of homework


  • In KS3, homework is set weekly for core subjects and MFL and Humanities (15-30 minutes). There is an expectation that other subjects set homework throughout the term, but no set number is given. Instead, they work on a set time expectation. For example, Art is likely to set a longer project per term in place of a weekly or fortnightly task.
  • There is an expectation that there will be a 3-day time period between the setting and collection of each piece of homework at both Key Stages.
  • All homework will be set using www.classcharts.co.uk. Students new to the school will receive their log in details in September or via Tutors for in-year admissions. If you have concerns regarding the quality or frequency of homework, please contact the subject teacher in the first instance or the Head of Subject.

Year 10 and Year 11, homework is normally set weekly (30-45 minutes). For some subjects, longer homework tasks may need to be set and so it may be set less frequently but the same time frames will be adhered to (with the exception of Core PE and RE).

Homework is an important part of life at school and demonstrates independence of thought as well as ensuring that students develop time management skills.

Rewards and Sanctions

Study Space
Study Space will be available to any student needing support or a space to complete homework tasks. The day, time and place for these is published and publicised around the school.