Wessex Learning Trust
Student Life ABSolute Curriculum
Parent & Carer Voice
We greatly value the relationship with and role of parents and carers in supporting students’ personal development here at Nailsea School. We regularly communicate with parents and carers about the content of the ABSolute Curriculum. Key information on the content and delivery of the curriculum can be found in the section below. Parents/carers are welcome to contact our ABSolute Curriculum Coordinator, Mr. Josh Boyce (jboyce@nailseaschool.com), with any questions or concerns about the curriculum content. By working together, we can best support our students’ personal development.
In 2023 we surveyed our parents & carers in regards to the ABSolute curriculum to gain an insight to their perspective on the ABSolute curriculum programme – delivered in extend tutor time each week. Headline results from this survey can be seen below:
Policies including the Relationship & Sex Education Policy for Nailsea School can be found here.